Cancer Products Top antigens and antibodies for cancer immunoassasys
Top antigens and antibodies for cancer immunoassasys Cancer Products
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) M86304M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA M86641M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA * Not cross reactive with human albumin. MAM01-210 - MAb (Capture) , ELISA MAM01-301 - MAb (Detection) , ELISA A32260H - Ag
CA242 A01267H - Ag
Produced in cell culture
CA72-4 M01341M - MAb M01342M - MAb M01340M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA
(Alternate Capture) , ELISA
Produced in cell culture, derived from a liver tumor cell and contains approximately 70% of the AFP-L3 isoform, ≥ 95% pure (SDS-PAGE & WB)
(Detection) , ELISA
A01723H - Ag
Produced in cell culture, low cross reactivity
CA50 A01264H - Ag
Beta 2 Microglobulin (B2M) MCP17-301 - MAb ELISA & RIA * Reacts with soluble B2M and B2M associated with cell-surface MHC Class I molecules and other membrane antigens. A01412H - Ag From human urine, ≥ 98% pure (SDS-PAGE) CA15-3 M86240M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA M01288M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA * Epitope is located within the VNTR tandem repeat region of MUC1 A32231H - Ag Produced in cell culture, low cross reactivity CA125
Produced in cell culture, provided as cell culture concentrate
CEA MAM02-008 - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA MAM02-009 - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA * Abs can be used as capture or detection in a sandwich assay.
MAM02-009 - MAb (Capture) , ELISA MAM02-881 - MAb (Detection) , ELISA M01250M - MAb * Specific for CEA epitope specificity group I. A32030H - Ag M01246M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA & IHC (Detection) , ELISA & IHC
Produced in cell culture, > 50% pure (SDS-PAGE)
M86306M - MAb Group A (Capture) , ELISA & WB M86924M - MAb Group B (Detection) , ELISA & WB M86306M - MAb Group A (Capture) , ELISA & WB M86429M - MAb Group B (Detection) , ELISA & WB * Both pairs detect OC125 (Group A) and M11 (Group B). A32180H - Ag
A38151H - Ag
From native human liver metastases, > 95% pure (SDS-PAGE)
Cyfra 21-1 (Cytokeratin 19) M01300M - MAb ELISA & WB M01326M - MAb ELISA A32340H - Ag
Produced in cell culture, low cross reactivity
CA19-9 M66107M - MAb M66106M - MAb M66108M - MAb
Produced in cell culture, low cross reactivity
(Capture) , ELISA (Detection) , ELISA
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (ERB2, HER2/NEU)
(Alternate Detection) , ELISA M66106M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA M66108M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA * Abs can be used as capture or detection in a sandwich assay. M01335M - MAb ELISA A86199H - Ag
M01296M - MAb ELISA, reacts with peptide ILDV4 (dephosphorylated) M01297M - MAb ELISA, reacts with peptide ILDV4 (phosphorylated) M01298M - MAb ELISA, reacts with peptide ILDV2 (dephosphorylated) M01299M - MAb ELISA, reacts with peptide ILDV2 (phosphorylated)
From native human metastatic liver carcinoma Produced in cell culture, provided as cell culture concentrate
A01458H - Ag
Gastrin A01724H - Ag
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Free M92986M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA M92396M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA * Not cross reactive to Albumin, AFP, CEA, PAP, CA125, CA19-9 or CA15-3. M86506M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA & LF M86806M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA & LF A01368H - Ag PSA, from human seminal fluid, lyophilized, > 95% pure (SDS-PAGE) A31029H - Ag PSA/ACT Complex, from human seminal fluid and plasma, > 95% pure (SDS-PAGE) A86878H - Ag PSA, From human seminal fluid, lyophilized, > 98% pure (SDS-PAGE) Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) A01277H - Ag From human seminal fluid, lyophilized > 96% pure Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Total M66276M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA & LF M86506M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA & LF * Specific for epitope 5 and not cross reactive with human kallikrein 2. M01236M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA & LF M86506M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA & LF Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen (PSMA) M20454M - MAb ELISA & IFA * Specific to the extracellular domain of PSMA.
Synthetic antigen, Sequence: GPWLEEEEEAYGWMDF > 95% pure (HPLC)
HE4 M01323M - MAb M01320M - MAb M01323M - MAb M01321M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA (Detection) , ELISA (Capture) , ELISA
(Detection) , ELISA Human Hemoglobin (Fecal Occult Blood) H01348M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA H01349M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA H01416M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA H01369M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA H01409M - MAb (Capture) , LF & Turbidimetry H01410M - MAb (Detection) , LF & Turbidimetry A38192H - Ag Neuron Specific Enolase (NSE) M86101M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA M86520M - MAb (Capture/Detection) , ELISA * Abs can be used as capture or detection in a sandwich assay. A86803H - Ag From human brain, > 95% pure (SDS-PAGE)
From human erythrocytes, > 96% pure (SDS-PAGE)
Pepsinogen I K01402M - MAb K01403M - MAb K01406M - MAb K01407M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA & LF (Detection) , ELISA & LF (Capture) , ELISA & LF (Detection) , ELISA & LF
S-100 Beta Q86006M - MAb Q86610M - MAb Q86003M - MAb Q86610M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA (Detection) , ELISA (Capture) , ELISA
A01691H - Ag
Purified from human stomach, lyophilized, ≥ 90% pure (SDS-PAGE)
(Detection) , ELISA * Each capture is specific for alpha-beta and each detection for alpha-beta and beta-beta. Prostatic Acid Phosphatase (PAP) A01277H From human seminal fluid, lyophilized > 96% pure Thyroglobulin E01326M - MAb (Capture) , ELISA E01325M - MAb (Detection) , ELISA * Does not interfere with anti-thyroglobulin auto-antibodies. H6T08-747 - Ag From human thyroid tissue, > 98% pure (SDS-PAGE) A86852H - Ag From human thyroid tissue, > 90% pure (SDS-PAGE)
Pepsinogen II K01404M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA & LF (Detection) , ELISA & LF
K01405M - MAb A01420H - Ag
From human gastric mucosa, > 90% pure (SDS-PAGE) Purified from human stomach, lyophilized, ≥ 90% pure (SDS-PAGE)
A01692H - Ag
PIVKA-II M01344M - MAb M01343M - MAb
(Capture) , ELISA (Detection) , ELISA
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