Air Dryable Direct DNA qPCR Plant

High sensitivity enables identification of low level contaminants

Detection down to 1 copy of Rice ATPe in tomato lysate with 100% reaction efficiency

Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant Mix was air dried with rice ATPe primers and probe. The dried material was reconstituted in 40% tomato leaf alkaline lysate containing 1,000 copies ( brown ), 100 copies ( amber ), 10 copies ( green ) and 1 copy ( blue ) genome equivalents per reaction of Rice gDNA. The results illustrate the sensitivity of the Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant Mix to (A) detection down to 1 copy of Rice ATPe in tomato lysate with (B) 100% reaction efficiency. A single tomato leaf punch was added to 20 µL water and heated to 95 °C for 5 minutes. The total lysate was then added to Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant mix that had been air-dried with ARF2 primers and probe. The traces from 8 individual leaf punches ( brown ) are shown overlaid with tomato gDNA standards ( blue ) for reference to show that approximately 84 genome equivalents per leaf punch were detected. The results illustrate the speed and reproducibility of the Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant even with non-complex assays.

A) Amplification plot

B) Standard curve

Compatible with simple, direct workflows

Robust mix delivers highly reproducible results in multiplex assays

Direct detection of Hsp21, rice ATPe and qPCR Extraction Control from 25% tomato leaf alkaline lysate

Rice ATPe gene (at 100 copies per reaction) and qPCR Extraction Control DNA (MDX027) was added to a 25% tomato leaf alkaline lysate and then added to Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant mix with primers and probe to tomato Hsp21 gene ( brown ), rice ATPe ( green ) and qPCR Extraction Control ( amber ). The results show 12 replicated in this triplex reaction to illustrate the high reproducibility Air-Dryable ™ Direct DNA qPCR Plant even in a multiplex reaction.

Ordering information: USA 5171 Wilfong Road Memphis, Tennessee 38134 Fax: +1 901-333-8223 Toll Free: +1 800 327 6299

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