Respiratory Diseases

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae cont


Type Catalog # Host / Source Tested Apps Format


Mycoplasma pneumoniae, p30 Mycoplasma pneumoniae P1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae P1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae P1 Mycoplasma pneumoniae P1

MAb C01942M Mouse


Purified Purified Purified Purified Purified


MAb BN1110 MAb BN1111 MAb BN1112 MAb BN1113

Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse


IgG1 IgG1 IgG1 IgG1

Parainfluenza A group of four viruses that commonly causes upper and lower respiratory illnesses. The exact type of infection, the symptoms, and the location of the infection depend on the type of virus. Laboratory diagnosis of parainfluenza viruses can be performed by isolation and detection of the virus in cell culture, or detection of viral antigens directly within bodily respiratory tract secretions using IFA, EIA, fluroimmunoassays or PCR. Specificity Type Catalog # Host / Source Tested Apps Format Isotype Parainfluenza 1 MAb C65122M Mouse EIA,IFA Purified IgG2b Parainfluenza 1 & 3, Fusion Protein MAb C65738M Mouse EIA,IFA,Pr Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 1, Fusion Protein MAb C01306M Mouse N/A Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 1, Fusion Protein MAb C65492M Mouse EIA,IFA,Pr Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 1 PAb B65121G Goat IFA Purified – Parainfluenza 2, strain Greer Ag R02902 Vero Cells EIA Lysate – Parainfluenza 2 MAb C65241M Mouse IFA Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 2, Hemagglutinin MAb C01307M Mouse N/A Purified IgG1 Parainfluenza 2 & 3 (all antigens) PAb B65130G Goat EIA,IFA Purified – Parainfluenza 2 & 3 (all antigens) PAb B65233G Goat EIA,ICC HRP – Parainfluenza 3, strain C243 Ag R02002 Vero Cells EIA Lysate – Parainfluenza 3, Hemagglutinin MAb C01308M Mouse N/A Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 3, Hemagglutinin MAb C65329M Mouse EIA,IFA,Pr Purified IgG2a Parainfluenza 3, Hemagglutinin MAb C65467M Mouse EIA,IFA,Pr Purified IgG2a Pneumocystis jiroveci A yeast-like fungus of the genus Pneumocystis and the causative organism of Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), a form of pneumonia. PCP is not commonly found in the lungs of healthy people, but, being a source of opportunistic infection, it can cause a lung infection in people with a weak immune system. Pneumocystis pneumonia is especially seen in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS, and the use of medications that suppress the immune system. Diagnosis is based on IFA or by molecular methods. Specificity Type Catalog # Host / Source Tested Apps Format Isotype Pneumocystis carinii (Pneumocystis jiroveci) 50kDa MAb C01583M Mouse IFA,WB Purified IgG3 Pneumocystis carinii (Pneumocystis jiroveci) 65/67kDa MAb C01581M Mouse IFA,WB Purified IgG2b


Respiratory Diseases- Reagents for Assay Development

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