Myoglobin (MYO) H01328M MAb (Capture) , ELISA & LF H01327M MAb (Detection), ELISA & LF
Procalcitonin (PCT) E86561M
MAb (Capture) , ELISA & WB MAb (Detection) , ELISA & WB
H86596M K31015M K31341G
MAb to a.a. 169-178, ELISA &WB
* Specific to procalcitonin and calcitonin. E86412M
MAb (Capture) , ELISA MAb (Detection) , ELISA
MAb (Capture) , ELISA
P Ab to a.a. 27-39 (Goat, Detection) , ELISA, WB & IHC
* Specific for procalcitonin and katacalcin.
P Ab to a.a. 69-86 (Goat, Alternate Detection) , ELISA & IHC
Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A) E86141M MAb (Capture) , ELISA & WB E86910M MAb (Detection) , ELISA & WB * Detects both heterotetrameric (found in placental blood) and homodimeric (found in atherosclerotic plaques) PAPP-A. E86114M MAb, ELISA & WB S-Adenosyl-Homocysteine (SAH) K01395C PAb (Chicken), ELISA * Affinity purified, treated with Adenine-9--D-Ribofuranoside to remove cross reaction to Adenosine.
* Cross reactivity with sTn is < 0.1% (ELISA).
TroponinT-Cardiac (cTnT) H86429M
M Ab to a.a. 60-70 (Capture) , ELISA &WB M Ab to a.a. 95-181 (Detection) , ELISA &WB
* Does not cross react with sTn.
Vitamin D K01214M
MAb to Vitamin D (25 OH), ELISA, LF, CLIA
& ELISA * Pairs with antigens A01697B & A01698B. K01213M
Soluble CD40 Ligand (sCD40L) P86106M MAb, ELISA P42374M MAb, FC & IFA
MAb to Vitamin D (25 OH), ELISA & RIA
* Pairs with antigens A01697B & A01698B. K24124M-LQ MAb to 25-OH Vitamin D3, ELISA K24124M MAb to 25-OH Vitamin D3, ELISA K24123M MAb to 1,25 (OH) 2 Vitamin D3, ELISA *Recognizes Native Human 25 OH Vitamin D2 and 25 OH Vitamin D3.
Troponin I-Cardiac (cTnI) BN1148
Rec. MAb (Capture) , ELISA & LF Rec. MAb (Detection) , ELISA & LF M Ab to a.a. 86-90 (Capture) , ELISA &WB
BN1149 H86285M H01347M
M Ab to a.a. 24-40 (Detection) , ELISA & WB * Reacts equally with free cTnI and complexed cTnI, does not cross react with sTn. H01340M MAb to a.a. 41-49, ELISA H86241M MAb to a.a. 87-91, ELISA &WB | 3 3
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