Ready-to-use RT-qPCR and qPCR Mixes ideal for oven or air-drying technologies.
Air-Dryable Mixes Ready-to-use RT-qPCR and qPCR Mixes ideal for oven or air-drying technologies
Human Diagnostics
Food Testing
Vet Health
What you need
Air-Dryable RT-qPCR and qPCR mixes are glycerol-free mixes that contain optimized excipients compatible with air and oven drying. The mixes are easy to use and ideal for developing ambient temperature, multiplex molecular assays. Advantages to ambient-temperature assays include room temperature shipping and storage, extended shelf-life and increased flexibility in sample volume.
Air-Dryable Mix, 4x Primers & Probes Oven
Excipients to stabilize the mix Freeze drying equipment (e.g. refrigeration system, vacuum, condenser etc.)
Primers and Probes
Just add Sample and Run assay
How it works
(Wet mix can be dispensed into vials, plates or strips and subsequently air-dried under temperature-controlled conditions)
Air-Dryable Mix
To test a sample or to ask additional questions, E:
Air-Dryable RT-qPCR and qPCR mixes
S imple and easy to use Ideal for multiplex assays on POC diagnostic platforms or automated high-throughput instruments C ompatible with a range of air-drying protocols to produce an ambient temperature stable mix R educes cost and complexity
5 mL
1,000 Rxn
Air-Dryable™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix, 4x
50 mL
10,000 Rxn
5 mL
1,000 Rxn
Air-Dryable™ qPCR Mix, 4x
50 mL
10,000 Rxn
RT-qPCR Data Highlights
High-tolerance to PCR inhibitors in sputum Amplification profile of a mouse RNA target spiked into samples containing 10%, 5% or 0% artificial sputum in Universal Transport Media (UTM). The data illustrates that the performance of Air-Dryable ™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix (MDX095) exhibits high tolerance towards inhibitors present in artificial sputum and UTM.
Full enzyme activity following air-drying Activity of Air-Dryable ™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Mix in both wet and air-dried formats were compared on 10-fold dilution mouse RNA template. The air-dried mix showed no loss of activity and sensitivity when compared to freshly prepared wet mix up to the assay limit of detection.
0% UTM+Sputum 5% UTM+Sputum 10% UTM+Sputum
Wet | Air-dried
High efficiency and sensitivity in multiplex reactions
Amplification profiles of different RNA viruses (Influenza A, Norovirus and Rotavirus) in a multiplex reaction. The results demonstrate the increased performance of air-dried MDX095 ( red ) against a standard wet RT-qPCR Mix ( black ) for the detection of viral RNA.
Influenza A
Air-dried | Wet
Air-dried | Wet
Air-dried | Wet
qPCR Data Highlights
Full enzyme activity following air-drying Activity of Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix in both wet and air-dried formats was compared by singleplex qPCR assay on 10-fold dilution mouse cDNA template. The air-dried mix showed no loss of activity and sensitivity when compared to freshly prepared wet mix up to the assay limit of detection.
Stable shelf-life for up to 12 months Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix was air-dried and the stability was tested in an accelerated stability study. The air-dried mix was incubated at 37°C for 8 weeks and tested against a freshly prepared mix by qPCR assay on 100-fold template dilutions. Results suggest that the air-dried mix is active following accelerated stability tests with projected 12 months stability at ambient temperature.
Reference | 37°C
Wet | Air-dried
High efficiency and sensitivity in multiplex reactions
Activity of Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix in both wet and air-dried formats was compared by multiplex qPCR assay on complex DNA template from an inactivated respiratory pathogen panel (CMV, Adenovirus , M. pneumoniae ). Results show no loss of activity for the Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix and a high multiplexing capability following air-drying.
M. pneumoniae
Wet | Air-dried
Wet | Air-dried
Wet | Air-dried
To test a sample or to ask additional questions, E:
Ordering information: USA 5171 Wilfong Road Memphis, Tennessee 38134 Fax: +1 901-333-8223 Toll Free: +1 800 327 6299
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