qPCR Data Highlights
Full enzyme activity following air-drying Activity of Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix in both wet and air-dried formats was compared by singleplex qPCR assay on 10-fold dilution mouse cDNA template. The air-dried mix showed no loss of activity and sensitivity when compared to freshly prepared wet mix up to the assay limit of detection.
Stable shelf-life for up to 12 months Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix was air-dried and the stability was tested in an accelerated stability study. The air-dried mix was incubated at 37°C for 8 weeks and tested against a freshly prepared mix by qPCR assay on 100-fold template dilutions. Results suggest that the air-dried mix is active following accelerated stability tests with projected 12 months stability at ambient temperature.
Reference | 37°C
Wet | Air-dried
High efficiency and sensitivity in multiplex reactions
Activity of Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix in both wet and air-dried formats was compared by multiplex qPCR assay on complex DNA template from an inactivated respiratory pathogen panel (CMV, Adenovirus , M. pneumoniae ). Results show no loss of activity for the Air-Dryable ™ qPCR Mix and a high multiplexing capability following air-drying.
M. pneumoniae
Wet | Air-dried
Wet | Air-dried
Wet | Air-dried
To test a sample or to ask additional questions, E: info@meridianlifescience.com
Ordering information: USA 5171 Wilfong Road Memphis, Tennessee 38134 Fax: +1 901-333-8223 Toll Free: +1 800 327 6299
Email: info@meridianlifescience.com Orders: orders@meridianlifescience.com www.MeridianLifeScience.com
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