Performance Data
Tighter fluorescence clusters with clearer allele discrimination compared to other commercially available mixes with samples containing a range of inhibitors found in blood A) K2-EDTA Whole Human Blood SNP differences between two strains of Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV) were tested using Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood Mix, Roche Kapa Probe Force, ThermoFisher TaqPath TM and Qiagen Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kits.
10% K2-EDTA whole human blood was tested with A/ Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood Mix, B/ Roche Kapa Probe Force, C/ ThermoFisher TaqPath TM and D/ Qiagen Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kits, using EBV targets. Homozygous samples for allele A ( red ) and allele C ( blue ) and heterozygous samples for allele A/C ( green ) were compared with a NTC ( black ) and x for undetermined. The results illustrate ability of Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood to form tight clustering and so accurate allelic discrimination in the presence of whole blood unlike the other mixes.
Allele A | Allele C | Allele A/C | NTC
B) Plasma and Serum
The ability to detect two autosomal recessive variants, Rs67376798 a 2846A>T variant and Rs3918290 a C>T variant, in 20% plasma or 20% serum were compared using Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood, Kapa Probe Force, TaqPath TM and Type-it Fast Kits.
20% human plasma
20% human serum
Allele A | Allele C | Allele A/C | NTC
20% human plasma was tested using rs67376798 drug metabolism target and 20% human serum was tested using rs3918290 drug metabolism target, with A/ Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood, B/ Kapa Probe Force, C/ TaqPath TM and D/ Type-it Fast Kits. Homozygous allele A ( red ) and allele C ( blue ) and heterozygous allele A/C ( green ) with a NTC ( black ) and x for undetermined. Again, the results illustrate ability of Lyo-Ready TM Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood to form tighter, more distinct clustering and so more accurate allelic discrimination in the presence of plasma and serum.
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