Meridian High-performing DNA Polymerase Enzymes

Low DNA Taq HS 5 U/ µ L

A highly purified, chemically modified hot-start Taq DNA polymerase. Ideal for room-temperature PCR set-up and assays requiring low bioburden (i.e. assays for bacterial targets). Supplied in a reaction buffer containing dNTPs and enhancers, with MgCl 2 as a separate component for easy optimization. The low DNA background and stringent hot-start properties of Low DNA Taq HS are ideal for applications that are susceptible to false positives such as water testing and microbial testing. > Chemical hot-start Taq polymerase, ideal for room-temperature assay set-up minimizing primer dimerization or mispriming > Highly-suited for microbial tests that require low-burden reagents > Ideal for low-copy target amplification (such water testing)

Figure 7. Low DNA Taq: Highly sensitive and specific amplification.

A 10-fold dilution of DNA (10 3 copies down to 10 copies) was used in a qPCR assay using Low DNA Taq HS and an intercalating dye. Each dilution was run in triplicate using standard reaction conditions. A/ The amplification curve demonstrates the reproducibility and sensitivity of the Low DNA Taq HS and B/ The single distinct peak in the melt curve illustrates the products are a single discrete species, with no additional bands or primer/dimers.





0.1 mL

500 Rxns


Low DNA Taq HS 5 U/ µ L

10 mL

50,000 Rxns

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