Ambient temperature stable qPCR Master Mixes

Inhibitor-tolerant qPCR & RT-qPCR Mixes

Tighter Fluorescence Clusters with Clearer Allele Discrimination Compared to Other Commercially Available Mixes with Samples Containing a Range Of Inhibitors Found in Blood

A) K2-EDTA Whole Human Blood

SNP differences between two strains of Epstein–Barr Virus (EBV) were tested using Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood Mix, Roche Kapa Probe Force, ThermoFisher TaqPath TM and Qiagen Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kits.



Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood is a 4x master mix that has been designed for fast, precise, and clear allelic discrimination with better cluster separation for SNP genotyping assays, even in the presence of PCR inhibitors found in blood, serum or plasma. 10% K2-EDTA whole human blood was tested with A/ Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood Mix, B/ Roche Kapa Probe Force, C/ ThermoFisher TaqPath TM and D/ Qiagen Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kits, using EBV targets. Homozygous samples for allele A ( red ) and allele C ( blue ) and heterozygous samples for allele A/C ( green ) were compared with a NTC ( black ) and x for undetermined. The results illustrate ability of Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood to form tight clustering and so accurate allelic discrimination in the presence of whole blood unlike the other mixes.



Allele A | Allele C | Allele A/C | NTC

B) Plasma and Serum

The ability to detect two autosomal recessive variants, Rs67376798 a 2846A>T variant and Rs3918290 a C>T variant, in 20% plasma or 20% serum were compared using Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood, Kapa Probe Force, TaqPath TM and Type-it Fast Kits.

20% human plasma





20% human serum





Allele A | Allele C | Allele A/C | NTC

20% human plasma was tested using rs67376798 drug metabolism target and 20% human serum was tested using rs3918290 drug metabolism target, with A/ Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood, B/ Kapa Probe Force, C/ TaqPath TM and D/ Type-it Fast Kits. Homozygous allele A ( red ) and allele C ( blue ) and heterozygous allele A/C ( green ) with a NTC ( black ) and x for undetermined. Again, the results illustrate ability of Lyo-Ready Genotyping Direct qPCR Blood to form tighter, more distinct clustering and so more accurate allelic discrimination in the presence of plasma and serum.

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