Ambient temperature stable qPCR Master Mixes

Inhibitor-tolerant qPCR & RT-qPCR Mixes

Sensitive Detection in Multiplex Assays Using Saliva Samples (Up to 60% Human Saliva) or UniversalTransport Media (Up to 35% Utm)

Air-Dryable TM Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva (MDX131)

Influenza A



Air-dried | TaqPath TM (Thermo) | Ultraplex TM (QuantaBio)

Three respiratory pathogens, Influenza A, Middle East Respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) were amplified in a triplex qPCR assay in the presence of 35% Universal Transport Media (UTM) with artificial sputum swab. The results illustrate that a higher performance was achieved with Air-Dryable TM Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva (MDX131, red ) compared to the inhibitor-tolerant RT-qPCR mixes TaqPath TM (Thermo, black ) or Ultraplex TM (QuantaBio, grey ).

Efficient Amplification Using the Mix an a Wet or Dried Down Format

Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Saliva (MDX132)

Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Saliva (MDX132) was used in a 10-fold serial dilution of DNA (10,000, 1,000, 100 and 10 copies respectively), in presence of 20% artificial sputum in both liquid ( blue ) and lyophilized ( red ) formats. The results illustrate that the lyophilized mix retains the ability to efficiently amplified to the same level as the liquid mix with the same level of sensitivity and reproducibility.

10,000 copies 1,000 copies 100 copies 10 copies

Lyophilized | Liquid

Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Saliva (MDX133)

Lyo-Ready Direct DNA/RNA qPCR Saliva (MDX133) was used in a 10-fold serial dilution of RNA (10,000, 1,000, 100 and 10 copies respectively), in the presence of 5% artificial sputum in both liquid ( blue ) and lyophilized ( red ) formats. The results illustrate that the lyophilized mix retains the ability to efficiently amplify to the same level as the liquid mix with the same level of sensitivity and reproducibility.

10,000 copies 1,000 copies 100 copies 10 copies

Lyophilized | Liquid

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