Inhibitor-tolerant qPCR & RT-qPCR Mixes
Sensitive Detection in Multiplex Assays in the Presence of Stool Inhibitors
Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool (MDX142)
Escherichia coli O157
Salmonella typhimurium
Campylobacter jejuni
Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool | KAPA Probe Force | Ultraplex TM
E. coli O157 (Shiga-like/Verotoxin 2 gene), Salmonella typhimurium (16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer) and Campylobacter jejuni (16S-23S rRNA gene internal transcribed spacer) were amplified in a triplex reaction using lyophilized Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool (MDX142, red ) and universal mixes, KAPA Probe Force (Roche, green ) and Ultraplex TM (QuantaBio, grey ) in the presence of 6.6 mg/mL human stool. The results illustrate that Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool is not affected by high concentrations of human stool, unlike the other mixes, allowing higher multiplexing capacity and greater reproducibility.
Ideal for Liquid Format or Lyophilized Assays – No Impact on Reaction Efficiency
A) Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool (MDX142)
B) Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Stool (MDX143)
10,000 copies 1,000 copies
10,000 copies 1,000 copies
100 copies 10 copies
100 copies 10 copies
lyophilized| liquid
Liquid ( blue ) and lyophilized ( red ) formats of A) Lyo-Ready Direct DNA qPCR Stool (MDX142) was used in a 10-fold serial dilution of DNA (10,000, 1,000, 100, and 10 copies respectively) in presence of 20% artificial stool and B) Lyo-Ready Direct RNA/DNA qPCR Stool (MDX143) was used in a 10-fold serial dilution of RNA (10,000, 1,000, 100 and 10 copies respectively) in presence of 5% artificial stool. The results illustrate that the lyophilized mixes retain the ability to efficiently amplify to the same level as the liquid mixes with the same level of sensitivity and reproducibility.
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